Monday, November 16, 2009

Emery walks!

Emery is an official walker.  Last week while staying at my parents, she just up and walked to her Pop. She is way in LOVE with him so I am not surprised with a little of his coaxing that she got up and went right to him. Now since then it has been non stop walking, a few falls and the oh so cute wiggly balancing act. I love watching Emery learn new things. She is the kind of child who smiles with her eyes, she loves people. I love the fact that she is so much not like me... and I can learn to be more like her.
I love the fact that no matter how rough or mean Everett can be to her she simply adores him.
I am so thankful that I have a sweet daughter that God has entrusted me to raise.

Emery offical is a walker! Nov 9th, 2009.

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